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Title 42 = Tidal Wave - NYC 1,000 Illegals a Day being sent there

May 14, 2023

In this episode of John Di Lemme's Podcast, you'll hear about the Horrific Title 42 which equals a Tidal Wave of Illegals storming the Country


.➡️⬅️ Yes GET OUT OF NYC NOW!!!...


I EXPOSE the TRUTH about 1,000 Illegal Aliens coming to NYC Everyday!!!...


⭐ Move to Florida NOW - go to ➡️⬅️⭐

My Wife Christie can make it happen for you


⭐As you know She is one of the Top Realtors in Florida that can take care of you in any part of the Sunshine State ⭐


to talk with her directly ☎️ call/text (561) 847 - 3467


also feel free to visit her website... ➡️ ⬅️ you can let your Family and Friends know she can assist them to get out and get to FLORIDA NOW!!!!⭐


➡️ ⬅️


As Always Feel Free to call/text (561) 847 - 3467 or email me directly anytime at


We are here for you...


Let's Keep America Great and Make Capitalism Great Again!


John and Christie Di Lemme